When people see the accident they often think it is better not to touch the victim, that it is safer to wait for the ambulance. Or a more trained betrieblicher ersthelfer will do it. So let’s start with quick timing and get the facts right. An ambulance will be here in 15 minutes. If there is an accident in a large city, where the number of emergency teams is much higher, you may be lucky and the ambulance will reach us faster. If a person loses consciousness, he/she will not survive this time without the help of one of the witnesses of the event.
What is a loss of consciousness?
Loss of consciousness is a state in which a person is unable to respond to pain, has flaccid muscles, cannot move and swallow, and is unresponsive to stimuli. His/her tongue is also flaccid blocks the possibility of breathing. In the past, their tongues pulled out, so they could breathe. This concept has long been abandoned in erste hilfe kurs für betriebe because it is unsafe and ineffective. The head needs to be thrown back so that the tongue moves and does not block the entrance to the larynx.
Simple action really saves lives
Place one hand on the injured person’s forehead, the other on his chin, and tilt the head back. Minutes of waiting for an ambulance hurt the most. Time irreversibly damages the brain. The task of the witnesses of the incident is therefore to counteract the passage of time immediately. Fight for the cerebral cortex for which every minute without breath is a sentence. Whatever you manage to do will always work to the benefit of the victim. It will be his/her chance for life. In betrieblicher erste hilfe kurs you do not state death because someone helped badly. It doesn’t happen. You almost always declare death because no one has even tried to fight for breath!