
Benefits And Drawbacks Of An Online Exam Vs. An Open Book Exam


What Is an Online Exam?

An online exam is a test that is taken through the internet. It also assesses pupils’ knowledge levels. Students can administer online tests at their leisure, using their own devices.

What is an Open Book Exam, and how does it work?

It refers to exams where students are allowed to use their textbooks and notebooks. They can also use other accepted sources to respond to queries.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Examination

The following are some of the similarities and differences of the online examination:

The Benefits of Online Exams

  1. It conserves paper.

They do not use paper because they are online. You also don’t need to print the question paper for the pupils. Furthermore, saving trees requires not cutting them to make paper.

  1. Helps you save time

You can create an auto-grade exam that grades itself in the manner of a multiple-choice exam. The online test can be totally automated and painless. You can even clear your doubts online.

  1. It is cost-effective.

Paper is purchased and printed at a lower cost. You can also save money on logistics, as well as the assembly and administration of exams. They can administer tests using their mobile devices. It also saves money that can be used for other things.

Saves Money for Students

Students are not required to give exams in a specific location. Students can administer online tests from anywhere in the world. They do not have to buy books to understand the subject, a doubts app will help them clear their doubts easily.

  1. Less Risky Than Class Exams

You can come up with a list of questions to ask pupils. In addition, each student will be given a set of questions at random. It is easier to prepare for competitive exams like JEE and CET and get CET or JEE main solution online.

As a result, students are unable to steal from others. They also won’t be allowed to ask each other questions.

Online Examination Disadvantages

  1. Inability to keep an eye on students

Keep in mind that students usually take their exams alone. Furthermore, no one is present to assist them. Additionally, the exam should include questions that cannot be found on the internet or in a book. Alternatively, set a timer for each response.

  1. Text-based question

The teacher may offer open-ended questions, but they will not be graded automatically. Teachers must also allow time for them to be checked.

  1. Possibility of becoming a victim of fraud

Scams and fraud on the internet are widespread these days. To overcome the problem of fraud, use a question bank. Additionally, distribute all of the questions and answers to the students. They will eventually have to learn all of them.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of an Open Book Exam

Open Book Exams Have the Following Benefits:

  1. Recall is Easier

Students can check their books during an open book test. As a result, they don’t have to cram as many facts as they could otherwise.

  1. Offers a second chance

Students are given a second chance to learn. They can also gather rather than recall appropriate learning material.

  1. Improves retrieval abilities

It aids in the retention of information for a period. Students also come up with creative ways to gather knowledge from a variety of sources.

Open Book Exam Drawbacks 1. Uncertainty about Equality

It’s impossible to tell whether or not all pupils have prepared equally for an exam. Furthermore, certain books are expensive, and the library’s collection is restricted.

  1. Do you require more desk space?

The books and notes occupy a significant amount of room. In addition, the desk may not be able to accommodate the books.






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