
5 ways to explore STEM subjects with your child


In school, your child will learn about science, technology, engineering and maths. These are also subjects that your child can develop further at home through everyday activities. Stem learning is what helps your child develop a number of different skills such as investigative and problem solving. As a parent, you should do your best to nurture your child’s interest in these subjects as it will help them to get the most out of their school experience. Here is some advice from an Independent School in Beaconsfield on ways to explore stem subjects with your child.

Take learning outdoors. There are so many opportunities for learning in the great outdoors. Take your child to a beach or your local park and talk about different materials that you can find. Whilst they are playing with soil, sand and water, you can talk to them about the states of matter. You can also discuss different animal habitats and ecosystems and allow your child to question what they see and hear around them. Be consistent in encouraging their curiosity as this is what will help them develop their learning further.

Use what you have at home stop you can get your child to develop their stem learning through everyday household tasks such as shopping and cooking. Bacon new cake recipe together and ask your child to weigh and measure the ingredients to practise their math skills. When you are out shopping, you can ask them to tally up the items in their head before you get to checkout as a challenge. Your child can understand the concept of time and distance by estimating the time taken on your drive home.

Incorporate technology. There are many educational TV programmes and computer games that can be used to help your child explore their stem subjects. If your child is a highly visual learner, they might find it quite easy to understand the concepts when they’re delivered this way.

By incorporating these simple day-to-day tasks into your child’s life, it will give them a good head start at school with their stem subjects.

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